IPPC Global Symposium on Implementation of ePhyto 9th – 13th Nov. 2015, Incheon City Republic of Korea.

About 80 participants representing NPPOs and stakeholders from different industries congregated at the Symposium with the aim or tackling how to implement the work program for the ePhyto project funded by the Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF), and thus, supporting the great job the ePhyto Steering Group has been doing since it was created in 2013.

This way, the ePhyto is taking shape.

The Symposium was facilitated by the ePhyto Steering Group (ESG) and the Coordinator of the IPPC Secretariat.
The five day symposium heard a number of presentations from the participants.
Global Share S.A. was invited to actively participate of the Symposium and Workshops putting foward aspects related to

“what industry feels is important for governments to remain mindful of”.

Aspects raised by Global Share S.A.

1) The need of systems integrations; meaning, Public sector working together with Private sector in two different stages:
a) Local: to facilitate the information transmission from Private sector to Public sector
b) International: to facilitate the information transmission from Public to Private sector.

2) The need of supporting evidence of ePhyto to be delivered to private sector for further presentations to financial institutions/final buyers.

Benefits of ePhyto:

  • Reduce possibilities for fraudulent documentation.
  • Reduce data entry and validation functions by NPPO staff.
  • Improve security in transmission of certificate documentation.
  • Improve planning for the arrival and clearance of plants and plant products at customs.
  • Reduce delays in receiving replacement phytosanitary certificates.
  • Maximize the investment by building on existing initiatives.
  • Reduce ongoing and costly bilateral arrangements.
  • Ability to link into the World Customs Organization “One Window” initiative and harmonize codes and processes.

Next steps: Hub plus generic systems will be piloted by a group of countries as from June next year.

Our thanks to the Republic of Korea and the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency for their support and excellent organization of the symposium. We also would like to thank the Steering Group for their professional dedication, consideration and contribution to this matter; and also to Diego Quiroga, Guillermo Rossi and Walter Alessandrini (SENASA,) for always listening to the industry needs.


November, 2015.