• Speed connection

    77.8 % of respondents qualified the tool as Very Good / Excellent

  • User Friendly

    79.2 % of respondents qualified the tool as Very Good / Excellent

  • Training

    69.3 % of respondents qualified the tool as Very Good / Excellent

  • Frequency of Bugs Occurrences

    67.9 % of respondents qualified the tool as Very Good / Excellent

  • System Updates Notifications

    67.6 % of respondents qualified the tool as Very Good / Excellent

  • Support Performance

    86.4 % of respondents qualified the tool as Very Good / Excellent

  • Speeds up Docs Drafting Process

    87.1 % of respondents qualified the tool as Very Good / Excellent

  • Speeds up Docs Checking Process

    82.9 % of respondents qualified the tool as Very Good / Excellent

  • Email reduction

    73.6 % of respondents qualified the tool as Very Good / Excellent

  • Enhances Productivity/Efficiency as an All-in-One Tool for Docs

    77.8 % of respondents qualified the tool as Very Good / Excellent

  • Standardization Tool

    79.3 % of respondents qualified the tool as Very Good / Excellent

  • Working Cooperatively

    79.2 % of respondents qualified the tool as Very Good / Excellent

  • Interaction with other Offices/Colleagues around the World

    73.6 % of respondents qualified the tool as Very Good / Excellent

  • Templates Organization/Standardization

    85.7 % of respondents qualified the tool as Very Good / Excellent