Global Share S.A., well known for its online system edoxOnline, has been recently nominated as one SME (Small and Medium-sized Enterprise) with High Global Impact.

The contest organized by the famous journal “Clarín” and “Banco Galicia”, two very prestigious organizations, gathered more than 300 SMEs.

The academic jury, Universidad de San Andrés, had the difficult job of screening among the 324 companies that participated in four different categories: Innovation; High Global Impact; High Social and Environmental Impact and Family Business.

In the final Phase, every nominated Company, as finalist, had to make an Ad-Hoc presentation before highly qualified and competent jurists such as those listed as follows: Pablo Gutiérrez, Vice President of Grupo Financiero Galicia; Héctor Aranda, General Manager of Grupo Clarín; Mariano Mayer, current Secretary of Emprendedores y Pymes de la Nación; Daniel Novegil, General Manager of Ternium (Grupo Techint); Guibert Englebienne, President of Endeavor Argentina and Co founder of Globant; Pedro Tarak, Founder and President of Sistema B Internacional and Gabriel Aramoudi, Director of Escuela de Administración y Negocios de Universidad San Andrés.

June, 2017.

We are very grateful to all people who have made this possible… In this sense, we´d like to give special thanks to our fantastic, passionate and committed staff, together with our precious clients and users around the world that seamlessly cooperate and help us grow in all possible senses.

We have received a high-end recognition with enormous pride.

Alejandro Pernías
President and CEO

Access link to an article on the subject published by a business online magazine: